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Overriding Components

TutorialKit’s default components are customizable with theming options. In cases where theming is not enough you can override some built-in components with your own ones.


Define components option in your astro.config.ts:

import tutorialkit from '@tutorialkit/astro';
import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config';
export default defineConfig({
integrations: [
components: {
// Component overrides go here

For example to override TopBar, provide a path to the new Astro component:

components: {
TopBar: './src/components/CustomTopBar.astro',

Top Bar

TutorialKit's Top bar

When overriding TopBar you can place TutorialKit’s default components using following Astro slots:

  • logo: Logo of the application
  • theme-switch: Switch for changing the theme
  • login-button: For StackBlitz Enterprise user, the login button
<slot name="logo" />
<a href="">
Home page
<slot name="theme-switch" />
<LanguageSelect />
<slot name="login-button" />